The UAV has two firing modes: the left trigger fires a remote-controlled missile you can steer toward the target, while the right trigger just fires a regular missile. Just hold them off until Pierce shows up with helicopters, then grab the UAV controller. Some have riot shields, so that's where any grenades you got will come in handy. You'll now have to hold the armory off against a wave of soldiers. Take out the remaining guards inside and go to the objective by the weapons cache. Drive up to the warehouse, shoot any nearby guards, and proceed on foot. The army isn't too happy to see you, so run over any guards and bust through the gate. Follow the marker to the store and buy ammo and/or grenades, then follow your next objective to the military armory. Open your phone menu and select the map, then select Friendly Fire and mark it as your destination. After the mission ends, you'll receive the achievement "Welcome Wagon." 2.3) We're Going to Need Guns Now avoid the debris and catch your female friend once again.

Fight more enemies in the air, then fight off the enemy that grabs you. Naturally, you'll fall straight through the plane. As the plane approaches, shoot the window to fall right into it. After the midair shootout, there will be a falling sequence where you have to avoid debris and catch the girl. While skydiving, the controls remain the same, except that pressing A (X on PS3) will flip you between facing up and facing down. Take them all down and head toward the opening to skydive.

Go around the cars to reach the next area with a good number of enemies. In the hold, shoot the next couple of enemies and head down the stairs. Move up to the enemy with a gun ahead for some brief turbulence, then run up and finish him with a heavy attack to pick up his weapon. If you perform a heavy attack on an enemy, you can follow it up with a sequence of buttons onscreen for a combo. You'll have to fight the enemies ahead in hand-to-hand combat. Afterward, you'll get the "Dead Presidents" achievement and be able to create your character. Shoot the soldiers and drop helicopters on the roof from here, then open fire on the red helicopter one last time to finally bring it down and end the mission. When you get knocked down to the ledge, shoot the nearby soldiers, then continue trying to bring down the red helicopter until you climb back up automatically. A few weaker black helicopters will be dropping in to drop off enemies, and it's actually possible to bring these down, unlike the red one. Once the SWAT team is down, switch to your rifle and shoot the helicopter until it leaves.Īs the safe is lifted up through the roof, shoot the SWAT team up here as well as the returning helicopter.

Take the first wave out, and they'll start coming from the upper level and well as the ground floor. Shortly after a certain idiot hits the alarm, you'll get flashbanged, after which a bunch of SWAT guys will drop in. Head up the stairs and sign the fan's autograph, then stand on the objective marker and plant the explosives, which will immediately detonate and initiate a scene. More enemies will attack after the scene. Go up top and join your friends at the vault door. Continue up the stairs and shoot the guards. Note that you already have several weapons in your menu to select from. Take out the armed bank tellers, then proceed into the back of the bank and up the stairs.